Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Turn my swag ooooooonnnnnnnn~~~!

Can someone tell the Pussycat Dolls to pronounce things properly?

Living in Vancouver, our major radio station The Beat 94.5 constantly plays the Pussycat Dolls' version of A.R. Rahman's hit "Jai Ho" from 2008's Oscar darling, Slumdog Millionaire
What bothers me tremendously about the PCD version is how they pronouce Jai Ho
The song title is spelled "Jai Ho", Rahman sings "Jai Ho" and yet they say "Jay Ho"!!
It's annoys me so much because I find it disrespectful on many levels
1) It's Rahman's song! Why did get he shafted to little 1 second clips of him throughout the video? I understand Nicole and the rest of the girls are much nicer to look at but he got demoted to cameo status in the video
2) If the original singer says "Jai Ho", why are they saying "Jay Ho"? It's not like the English tongue cannot pronouce "Jai". That's almost as bad as people who can't pronouce ethnic names and instead brutally butcher the pronounciation instead.
3) The song is so damn catchy! I hate the song, it really annoys me but damn, I can't stop singing it...
Jay Ho you guys.... jay ho.
Looks like Chris Brown's channeling Will Smith's Hancock look

Found this picture at Reuters.com
Apparently Brown was seen sitting courtside during Game 5 of the NBA Finals basketball series between the Orlando Magic and the Los Angeles Lakers in Orlando, Florida, June 14, 2009.
Chris Brown and his legal team are currently seeking to prolong his court hearing on the account that his lawyer wants the court to rule on a probe into the information leak from the police department.
Honestly, a delay in the hearing won't really help the fallen R&B star.
People are already up in arms over his alleged beating of R&B sweetheart, Rihanna. A majority of the vast public have already declared Brown guilty and have turned their backs on the star. Exactly how his team will work to rebuild his tarnished image is beyond me. Even if he owns up to the allegations, he will serve prison time and will most likely be subject to PSAs galore (I can see the ad now: Domestic Violence Hurts Us All). In addition, if he in indeed found guilty, can people (namely his female listeners) really take him seriously when he goes back to singing his sweet love songs?
Cause I highly doubt he'll be singing about 'thug life'.
Monday, June 1, 2009
If I were him, I'd be pissed and walk out too

Recap: Last night, at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards, Sasha Baron Cohen flew in from the rafters wearing only a thong, knee-high boots and wings to present the Best Male Performance Award. Instead of swooping onto the stage, Cohen hovered above Eminem, who was sitting in the audience with his entourage, and proceeded to fall head-first onto Eminem's lap. While Eminem was obviously disgusted and struggled to free himself from this involuntary '69', Cohen seemed rather calm.
The debate that seems to be circulating the pop culture world is whether this incident that happened at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards last night was staged or not.
So what do I think?
I think that maybe Cohen's camp probably planned to land on Eminem but failed to let Eminem in on the joke.
But is this really a joke?
If anything, it did create a buzz in the media world.
This works fine for Eminem, whose latest album 'Relapse' was released two weeks ago. The encounter reminds the world of his angst that Mathers is so well known for. It proves to show us the very reason why so many people fell in love with Eminem and his clever lyrics over sick Dr. Dre-produced beats as listeners felt he was speaking for all them and really understood the reality where the average person lives in. It also shows Eminem as a very 'real' rapper that hasn't softened during his time in the media spotlight; he's willing to be the person he is, not what should be expected of him.
For Cohen, his much anticipated movie 'Bruno' is slated for release this summer. A follow-up to his Golden Globe nominated role in 'Borat', his 'Bruno' character shows us that Cohen has the balls to be the most outrageous character onscreen. He fully embraces his carefully crafted personnas. With what looks to be a very competitive summer movie season ahead, this escapade with Eminem keeps people talking about Bruno .
It also worked for MTV too. They got the much anticipated Eminem comeback performance before he walked out on the show. The whole incident kept people talking about the show even after it was all over and done with. In addition, the constant 'MTV name drop' that happens during those water cooler conversations, can only help the network.
Joke or not, it proved to make the awards show very interesting and told me that there was more to movies than 'Twilight' (Could that movie win any more awards last night?)
Pleased to meet you, my name is Cynthia
Not because it was a narcissistic thing or anything...
But rather because sometimes I feel like I don't have the right avenues to fully express my thoughts, feelings and observations about the world you and I live in
My intentions for having this blog is to write about things that I think about... how I feel about stuff... the people I come across and meet in my daily travels... and perhaps even, tell the worldwide web a little bit about myself.
I am actually a very complex person :)
And it might even be good practice since I do want to eventually write a book and publish it and finally cross that off my ever-growing life list.
So in conclusion..
Pleased to meet you. My name is Cynthia