Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can someone tell the Pussycat Dolls to pronounce things properly?

Living in Vancouver, our major radio station The Beat 94.5 constantly plays the Pussycat Dolls' version of A.R. Rahman's hit "Jai Ho" from 2008's Oscar darling, Slumdog Millionaire

What bothers me tremendously about the PCD version is how they pronouce Jai Ho

The song title is spelled "Jai Ho", Rahman sings "Jai Ho" and yet they say "Jay Ho"!!


It's annoys me so much because I find it disrespectful on many levels

1) It's Rahman's song! Why did get he shafted to little 1 second clips of him throughout the video? I understand Nicole and the rest of the girls are much nicer to look at but he got demoted to cameo status in the video

2) If the original singer says "Jai Ho", why are they saying "Jay Ho"? It's not like the English tongue cannot pronouce "Jai". That's almost as bad as people who can't pronouce ethnic names and instead brutally butcher the pronounciation instead.

3) The song is so damn catchy! I hate the song, it really annoys me but damn, I can't stop singing it...

Jay Ho you guys.... jay ho.

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